The aim of the college is to offer an all-round education to the students drawing inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The vision of the college is to impart sound learning, building of character and spread spiritual truth and knowledge of God.
Religious instructions, based on the Holy Bible, are a part of the college curriculum but it is not forced upon those who are unwilling to receive it. It is hoped that those who join the college will do so with the desire to receive the best possible education of Spirit, Body and Mind which the college seeks to provide to all its members.
The college envisions providing knowledge and quality based education and to create a class of intellectually, spiritually sound and committed citizens, who will become a resource of high caliber, to cater to the needs of the society and the country as a whole in accordance with our motto “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”.
To impart sound learning, building of character and spreading of spiritual truth and knowledge of God.
To impart value based education leading to holistic development and to prepare enlightened citizens to appreciate and respect all faiths, foster self and community development and promote religious harmony leading to national integration.
To ensure that higher education can be accessed by all sections of the society.
To sensitize the students to socio-economic issues (emphasizing on gender and human rights) by including related topics into the curriculum and through co-curricular activities.
To encourage women education and ensuring gender justice and their empowerment.
To create a teaching-learning environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge that is relevant and carrier oriented.
To help students to think rationally and promote awareness on ecological and environmental issues.
To develop skilled personnel through vocational and entrepreneurial education.
To create research environment and use knowledge and innovation for sustainable utilization and management of locally available resources.