St. Andrew's Leadership

Prof. C.O. Samuel

Principal & Secretary

As the Principal of St. Andrew’s College, I extend my greetings to all the members of this esteemed institution. Deeply ensconced in the tradition of the land, I take pride that this institution is rooted to cultural identity while imparting an educational experience that is world-class in every respect and which prepares children for global citizenship. I extend a warm welcome to the upcoming students and encourage them to join us on an intellectually stimulating adventure.
Thank you

Rt. Rev. Morris Edgar Dan

Bishop, Diocese of Lucknow, CNI & Chairman

Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur has been empowering young minds to innovate and discover their own genius and disposition into productive excellence for the good of the country and in the process, will enrich humanity at large. I am delighted to see that College is in able hands and all who are a part of this family will continue to contribute their best to give quality education to the coming generations.
May God bless St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur. With sincere greetings.

Rt. Rev. Morris Edgar Dan
Bishop, Diocese of Lucknow, CNI & Chairman

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